7/9/14 Chemo round ; Carboplatin and Doxorubicin (Adriamycin)

Sarge was dropped off at around 8:30 am today.  The vet called around noon and said I could come get him at 1:30.  Dr. Hintz said he did wonderful. and that he was very pleased with how his back leg is now doing.  I could hear Sarge barking when I got there and I know that bark, he had to go potty!    As soon as they brought him out to me, he was pulling (I actually LOVE to say my dog was PULLING now!!!!)  for the door.  He ran to the yard in front of the clinic and peed for what seemed to be an eternity!  I guess the 2 IV bags of fluids were working his kidneys!   The Dr. said he did wonderful and was a fantastic patient.  He told me I was “doing the right thing because Sarge still so full of life!”  What a wonderful thing to hear from a professional.  Sometimes I get caught up in emotion and, at times,  have doubted my choices.  To hear him tell me that meant SO much!  He told me to expect few to no symptoms for 3 days them look mostly for diarrhea and anorexia.  He advised Imodium AD IF he had more than 1 episode and to call if it was happening more than 3-5 times a day.  I also have my 100% pure pumpkin and chicken broth handy, thanks to Tripawds suggestions!!  Thanks for your advice!.

I have to work a 12 hour shift Friday so granny and paw paw will be staying with Sarge in case any symptoms develop.

 This was a good day on our osteosarcoma roller coaster.  We have an inside “high five” phrase at out work and we call it delta cookies….. today earned major DELTA COOKIES!  

So proud of you Sarge!  

Author: c1nicolei

Sarge has been the the love of my life since we rescued him in 2007. He was thought to be a carcass on the side of the road in our community park. As I walked over to look at the pitiful dead dog, I soon realized he was still breathing, barely. We rushed him to the vet and although severely malnourished and in a terrible state, with TLC he miraculously pulled through. Snap shot ahead to 6/2014, we decide to go outside to play fetch, he was so excited and full of energy, doing his typical bouncy boxer pelvic shuffle. He took a nasty tumble and the sounds that followed was nothing short of heart piercing. My heart stopped, because I knew it was bad, very bad. I am a PA, not a veterinarian, but I knew instantly the leg was broken badly. I splinted him and rushed him to the vet. What initially was going to be an orthopedic surgery to repair a broken radius and ulna, quickly turned into, "Your dog sustained a pathological cancer, we think he has osteosarcoma". I could not even hear what I was being told. How could this seemingly happy, healthy, FULL of life dog have CANCER?? The BX confirmed my worst fears. This whole process took over a week. In that time I researched every aspect of canine osteosarcoma I could find and I had already made up my mind, we were going to fight this, not for me, but I knew he was not done living!!! Making the decision to amputate was not one taken lightly. We ensured there were no macro mets and that his blood work looked stable. I also decided if we amputated we would also do chemo. Sarge had his leg amputated 2 days ago and I am amazed at his hour by hour improvement. We start chemo in 2 weeks. I will keep everyone updated and love reading stories on here that give me hope that he will be able to be a happy, pain free normal Sarge!!! This is when we joined TRIPAWDS! What a wonderful, reassuring supportive community! I love you TRIPAWDS!

6 thoughts on “7/9/14 Chemo round ; Carboplatin and Doxorubicin (Adriamycin)”

  1. I’m glad things went well for Sarge today. Hope he doesn’t have too much tummy upset in the upcoming days.

    Sending Sarge positive thoughts!!

    Sahana and her Angel Leland

  2. Great news!!!! I am so glad all worked out well. Just remember, chemo sometimes has a delayed reaction of tiredness and nausea but I know Sarge will pull through all the bumps in the road! Shelby used to come charging out like a bat out of hell! 🙂

    Alison & her Shelby fur-ever in her heart (and little Jasper too)

    1. LOL I know he probably will slow down as the side effects can be delayed, but I swear he is feeling better every day! Thakn you all for the well wishes and DELTA COOKIES!!!

  3. DELTA COOKIES !!!!!!! YAAAAAAAY SARGE!! Throwing Delta Cookies all over the place! And YAAAAAAAA for Sarge pulling!

    I kmow how happy you were today to see how energetic he was today! And to hear his special “I gotta’ pee…get me out of here” BARK!! DELTA COOKIES!!

    I’m realky glad your vet saw how full of life Sarge is. Validation that you and Sarge are in the right track!!

    Keep us posted on that sweet boy! He’s such a fighter!,

    Hugs and extra treats tonight for Sarge!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

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